HKE Society's Dr. Maalakaraddy Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Kalaburagi

Affiliated to
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,
Karnataka, Bengaluru

Recognized by
Central Council of Homoeopathy, New Delhi


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Brief introduction about department:

The Practice of Medicine combines both science as the evidence base and art in the application of medical knowledge in combination with intuition and clinical judgment to determine the treatment plan for each patient.

Mission of the department:

To equip the students with the knowledge, skills and attitude to care for those who are suffering from various diseases.

  Faculty Detalis:

Sl.No. Photo Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation Teaching Experience
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Dr.Nayeem Unnisa

M.D.(Hom) Professor & HOD 22 Years 6 months

Dr.Rajendra Patil

M.D.(Hom) Professor

16 Years 8 months



M.D.(Hom) Associate Professor

11 years 10 months


Dr Bhagyashree Kanni

M.D.(Hom) Asst. Professor  03 years 10 months
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Dr Soubhagyalakshmi

M.D.(Hom) Asst. Professor

1 year 4 month

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Dr.Vikram Patil

(Guest Faculty)

MD(Radiology) Asso. Professor



Dr. Shoukat Ali

(Guest Faculty)

MD(Gen.Med) Associate Professor

27 Year 3 months