HKE Society's Dr. Maalakaraddy Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Kalaburagi

Affiliated to
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,
Karnataka, Bengaluru

Recognized by
Central Council of Homoeopathy, New Delhi





Homoeopathic Medical College was established in the year 1980. It offers 5-1/2 years under graduate course and 3 years post graduate course leading to award of Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery Degree (BHMS) and Doctor of Medicine in Homoeopathy (M.D.(Hom)) respectively.

The BHMS and MD (Hom) degree awarded by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Karnataka Bangalore are recognized by the Central Council of Homoeopathy New Delhi and included in the second schedule.

Regulations to BHMS and MD (Hom) course and syllabus will be in accordance with regulations of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Karnataka, Bangalore, as per the guidelines of Central Council of Homoeopathy, New Delhi.

H.K.E. Society's Homoeopathic Medical College is the first institution in Karnataka to start the undergraduate (BHMS) and postgraduate M.D (Hom)) degree courses. It is the first institution to get affiliated to the University. It is one of the sophisticated and well equipped institution. The object of this institution is to provide and to propagate education and research in field of Homoeopathy. Its aim is to produce a learned Homoeopath having an excellent clarity of fundamentals of Homoeopathy and sufficient experience of its application in real life situations.


Dr.R.G.Lokre, Prof..JPG




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